
PI核心团队在做什么?Pi Network最近的工作


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我们想给大家介绍一下核心团队最近在做的工作。正如在Pi Day(2020年3月14日)前后公布的Pi Phase 2战略中所阐述的那样,核心团队主要关注2个方面:通过构建Pi Apps平台创造价值,通过Node和Testnet的进展实现去中心化。




1. 平台方面,核心团队在Pi应用平台上完成了多次迭代,同时也完成了第一个第三方应用FeverIQ。由于有些人可能在平台的初始原型中遇到了一些纠结,我们得以修复。比如,在平台最初的原型中,FeverIQ的Pi奖励并不总是可靠地汇到一些先锋的账户上,这是由于可扩展性瓶颈造成的,因为一个账户(FeverIQ)每天需要将Pi以百万的规模汇到先锋的账户上。在目前上线的应用原型中,几乎没有出现这样的打赏问题。核心团队也在对初期的Pi平台API进行微调,并建立测试环境,我们的目标是很快就能在社区内提供给开发者,让社区成员在2020年第三季度就能申请成为开发者,开始构建Pi应用。

2. 对于Node,核心团队正在努力使Node接口能够开启运行区块链的Docker容器。从技术上讲,这意味着我们将把当前可以在节点接口上激活的用于网络统计收集的Docker容器换成运行共识算法的Docker容器。这将使我们能够初步测试运行Testnet的中心化配置,并进入Testnet路线图的修订阶段。同时,我们正在进行超级节点和节点候选者的筛选过程。遴选过程中不仅涉及到Node的统计分析,还涉及到假账号的排除。

我们也已经为Supernode和Node候选人多推出了几千个KYC名额,并将继续推出更多的KYC名额(数量在几万个左右)。所以,如果你还没有被选中,也不要灰心。我们还没有完成选拔,我们的目标是让尽可能多的想在Pi Network中担任Node或Supernode的Pioneer能够做到这一点。

3. 除了以上两个方面,核心团队在过去几周还花了大量时间来扩展我们的后台。随着我们网络的发展和更多功能的引入,例如平台,扩展我们的服务和优化我们的架构是一项持续的工作。在过去的几周里,你们中的一些人可能经历了缓慢的服务或精简模式。那是我们在后端经历过载的时期,或者我们在部署改进以前的架构或者迁移到不同的数据库结构时。为了最大限度地减少Pi App的服务中断,并在这种中断期间改善Pioneer的体验,我们构建并引入了Lite模式,让Pioneer可以执行最关键和最基本的操作,即登录和挖矿,而不是完全中断服务。



What is the Core Team working on?

We want to give an update on what the Core Team is working on recently. As laid out in the Pi Phase 2 Strategy announced around Pi Day (March 14, 2020), the Core Team focuses on 2 major aspects: value creation through building the Pi Apps platform and decentralization through progress in the Node and Testnet.

Platform API


Scaling Backend

1. For the Platform, the Core Team finished multiple iterations on the Pi apps platform along with its first third-party app, FeverIQ. As some of you might have experienced some kinks in the initial prototypes of the platform, we were able to fix them. For example, in the initial prototypes of the platform, the Pi rewards from FeverIQ were not always reliably remitted to some Pioneers, which was due to a scalability bottleneck, as one account (FeverIQ) needs to transfer Pi to accounts of Pioneers on the scale of millions daily. In the current prototype live in the app, almost no such reward issue has been reported. The Core Team is also working on fine tuning the initial Pi Platform API and creating a testing environment, and we aim to make them available for developers in our community very soon, so that community members can apply to be developers and start building Pi Apps in Q3 of 2020.

2. For the Node, the Core Team is working on enabling the Node interface to turn on the Docker container that runs the blockchain. Technically, it means we’ll swap the current Docker container that can be activated on the node interface for network statistics gathering with a Docker container that runs the consensus algorithm. This will enable us to test run the Testnet with centralized configurations initially and enter the Revision Stage of the Testnet Roadmap. In the meantime, we’re going through a selection process for Supernode and Node candidates. The selection process involves not only the Node statistics analyses but also the exclusion of fake accounts.

We’ve also rolled out a few thousand more KYC slots for Supernode and Node candidates and will continue to roll out more KYC slots (in the order of tens of thousands). So if you’re not selected yet, don’t be discouraged. We’ve not finished selecting yet, and our goal is to enable as many Pioneers as possible who want to serve as a Node or Supernode in Pi Network to do so.

3. In addition to the above two prongs, the Core Team has also spent significant time during the last few weeks on scaling our backend. Scaling our service and optimizing our architecture are an ongoing effort as our network grows and more functionalities are introduced, e.g. the platform. Some of you might have experienced slow service or Lite mode for the past few weeks. Those are the periods when we experienced overload in the backend or when we’re deploying improvements to previous architecture or migrations to a different database structure. In order to minimize service disruptions of the Pi App and improve Pioneer experience during such disruptions, we built and introduced the Lite mode that allows Pioneers to perform the most crucial and basic actions, i.e. login and mine, instead of having complete service outages.

We’re pleased to introduce more exciting updates very soon as we approach the end of Q2. Stay tuned.


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